Sausage Walkthrough
Head to the yellow triangle on your mission map (by pressing
the SELECT button) marked as the location in which you must destroy the communications radio of the enemy. As you
clear the area and complete the destruction of the communications objective within the tent, face the entrance of the
tent and head northwest across the creek towards the large boulder on the other side of the water. To your right will
be a way to get up on the nearby cliffs and you will also see a downed tree. Behind the boulder to the left of the downed
tree and climbable cliffs, placed on the ground is your first sausage.
As you start this
mission, eliminate any enemies outside the cave entrances and around the premises. Make your way to navigational point
JULIET. When you get to the nav point, to your left will be a cave entrance and to your right will be the continued
wooden walkway. Head to the right up the wooden walkway and you will approach another cave entrance. Exactly to the right
of this entrance is a small cliff that you can walk on. The sausage is located directly on this ledge from the right
side of this cave entrance.
When you start the mission, turn around and head northeast. You will
be going up a somewhat steep hill. You will then come to a road. Follow this road in the direction of nav point DELTA
until you reach a tunnel. Go inside the tunnel and continue to stay on the path of the road. Stick to cover if you want,
but continue following the roadway. Eventually, you will start to see the Saw Mill in front of you, keep to the left
of the road now almost hugging the wall. On your left, if you have been on the road the entire time, approximately 96
meters from nav point ECHO will be a path that will take you onto a grassy ledge containing multiple tree stumps down
a ways. You will notice a small stump among the other larger stumps that has a white cardboard silhouette leaning
up against it. On top of the small stump is your sausage.
:::Broken Chains:::
is a very straightforward location. As you begin the stage, head towards the lighthouse via swimming or the little boat.
Upon getting on land, go inside the lighthouse and as soon as you enter the doorway, the sausage is lying on the shelf
closest to the door you just came in from.
Begin the mission by crippling the drug operation
objectives. When you are done, make your way to nav point FOXTROT and head down into the storage bunker. Next, follow
the corridors until you reach a diamond tiled floor containing a table propped up against a wall and several white cabinets.
Jump on the table just next to the one leaning on the wall and climb up into the ventilation duct. Now, follow the
large pipes on your left until you reach a two-way directional split. To your left is another ventilation shaft leading
down, in front of you is a rectangular window overseeing a storage bunker room, and to your right is the continued
path. Go right and continue down the walkway until you come to another two-way directional split. To your left is another
walkway with several pipes on the walls and to your right is another walkway containing a green rusted pipe. Head
left and stick to the left hand side of the wall. You will come to a series of pipes and gauges on the wall on your left.
Placed on right side of these pipes and gauges on the floor is your 5th sausage.
Hop into the stealth vehicle when the mission starts
and go across the bridge directly to nav point DELTA. As soon as you reach the nav point, get out of the vehicle.
Just to the right of the nav point will be a path leading up the wall. Climb onto the ledges and make your way down this
mountain pass. CHECK YOUR FIRE. There are two friendly Rebels standing around a barrel that is on fire. Take a closer
look inside of the barrel and you will notice your next sausage being cooked. Grab it and continue with your mission.
They won't start shooting you for taking their only food ration out in the middle of no where, but I might have...
this next mission, make your way to the back entrance of the training camp by heading towards nav point FOXTROT as you
approach the training camp. It does not matter how you get there but I suggest taking the route below the bridge at the
start of the mission to remain undetected. As you enter the back of the facility by opening the door at FOXTROT, you will
immediately see a building directly in front of you. Head to the left of this building and go past the left hand side
of the building until you reach a training obstacle. Climb up onto the highest level of this obstacle and jump from the
obstacles platform to the balcony of the building. Once on top of the balcony, head over to the barrel and pick up
yet another sausage.
Start the mission off by swimming underneath the docks towards nav
point ECHO. When you reach this nav point continue swimming past it and stick to the right hand side of the water
until nav point FOXTROT pops up. Head to this location and enter the circular sewage drain. As you reach the end of the
sewage drain, climb up out of the sewer on your right. Now that you are out of the sewer, make your way out and around
the green fence. You will notice a couple trailer houses, 3 all together. Go inside the middle trailer and open up the
bottom cupboard (second last from the right) closest to the trailers door. Inside you will find your 8th sausage.
Alright, I hope
everything is going well so far. Make your way to the freighter docked at the harbor and go directly to where your mission
map has the yellow triangle highlighted over the objective to investigate the cargo. Depending on where you enter
the cargo storage room to complete this objective, check the very bottom of the crates and you will find your 9th sausage
wedged in between two cargo crates on the floor.
Ok so we are half way there now! Here we go. Upon beginning the mission, move
to the south bridge, opposite the north bridge (the one you have to destroy) and make your way to nav point LIMA.
Continue from this nav point and head down the road. Just before you get to nav point KILO, just about 47 meters, you
will see a bunch of trees, grass and an opening to the creek. Dive into the water and stay to the left hand side of
the water bed. As you continue to follow the path of the water, you will notice an arched bridge in the distance. Get
up on land as soon as possible and head towards to the small bridge you noticed in the distance moments ago. Take
note that to the left of the small bridge is a ledge and if you look up, you will see that it contains big tree. Make
your way to that tree by going up the hill. Behind that tree directly on the ground is your next sausage.
Upon the start of this mission,
start off by jumping into the water and moving to the left of the island. You will be skimming the perimeter of the island
as you wade through the water and grass. Hug the outer wall of the island and continue this simple step until you
pass up the location of the objective to demo the weapons cache. Keep moving through the water and do not go on land.
For reference, you will pass a couple of pillars up on the island. If you have hugged the outer wall up until this
point, you will see grass sticking out of the water and you will be approaching nav point DELTA. Move closer to the grass
(still hugging what is left of the outer wall) and you will notice a small wooden boat with a blue sail. On this tiny
boat within the grass, sails yet another sausage.
In this next mission, start by heading right towards
the south bridge (the one you have to demo) and go into the water. Follow the water past nav point DELTA and right
on to nav point FOXTROT. When you pass the nav point and provide support for your allies there as well, keep going forward
until you cannot go any further. You will have reached the waterfall. Your next sausage is underwater just before
this waterfall and at the point where your character cannot advance any further down the path of the water. Grab it and
go. You are well over half way done with the sausages!
guarantee this next sausage to be hardest of all to be obtained. As you begin the mission walk about a couple steps forward
and scan the area just left of the garage complex to find a dumpster in a back alley. Run to the dumpster and use
it to climb onto a ledge. At the end of the ledge you climbed up on sits a lonely sausage waiting to be picked up. Too
easy... umm I mean, hard right? :)
this mission, start off by running past nav point CHARLIE and running right to nav point DELTA. You will be encountering
strong resistance with machine gunners so stay alert. From DELTA (a two-way split) head left past a truck and continue
down the winding street until nav point WHISKEY pops up. Head there and take care of the enemies across the mini bridge.
Now, before you cross that mini bridge, you will notice a couple of small barrels to the right side of the bridge.
Go up to the barrels and walk on the right hand side of them, stepping to a very tiny ledge that is almost inaccessible.
It will lead you to your 14th sausage just above a blocked off sewer grate.
Start off
by swimming to the edge to pull up and move in the direction nav point CHARLIE. A guard will be standing to the left near
the bridge and to the right will be the nav point. Take care of business and move past CHARLIE, do not go into the
courtyard, and go straight until you see a guardhouse. Go into there and you will be in the courtyard but on the left
hand side. Hug the walls of the buildings on the left and you will eventually come up to another guardhouse. This
has a couple computers and some cabinets. Pass that place up and keep hugging that left wall. Use the trees to your advantage
and nav point PAPA will appear towards the end. As soon as you get to that nav point, open the back doors right into
the headquarters and proceed through the hallways and double doors to work your way to nav point JULIET which is in the
middle of the staircase. From here, head down the stairs and move directly for nav point FOXTROT. Take a left from
FOXTROT into the kitchen. On your right will be a food rack with many goodies. Unfortunately all that interests you is
that sausage, so without further ado, check the middle shelf on the left hand side of the food rack and right next
to the colored soda cans layeth your sausage.
Before you start this mission, be sure you have a weapon that blows things
up, for example, grenades, AT-4, M79...whichever pleases you more to have equipped. Right off the bat, head for nav
point CHARLIE. As soon as you take care of the enemies here, nav point LIMA will show up. Make your way to the left towards
LIMA. You will come to a two-way split where as if you head to the right pass some doors, you will reach LIMA and
if you go to the left, you will continue down the snowy path. Continue down the snowy path and nav point KILO will then
pop up. Follow this nav point, taking care of some enemies and on your way to KILO you will notice a snowman near
a light pole. Admire the fine work the paramilitary put into making it and then blow it up. Atop the remnants of the snow
man is another sausage to add to that collection of yours. Only 2 more to go!!
Truthfully, the 2nd
to last sausage here is tricky. Be sure to arm your party or friends with rocket launchers and a sniper candidate. Take
the convoy route all the way to the extraction zone. Do not deviate from that course unless you know those secret
ways to take that convoy off-roading past all the enemy snipers, away from the bridge barrier, and away from that KA-50
attack helicopter. Be sure to place the convoy in a safe location and get rid of the tanks if they start moving around
the extraction point. You will even score the bonus objective on that stage for destroying the enemy armor. Ok so along
the extraction route, if you did not deviate from the road, you will notice two MGL turrets on the left hand side
of the road. The very last MGL turret is where you want to go. Head over to the turret location and check the left hand
side of the chimney. Approximately 101 meters from the extraction site is your 2nd to last sausage on top of the chimney.
Use the box on the ground by the chimney to get at it. We are almost done! One more to go...
This is it. You ready?
Alright, start by heading towards the right at the beginning of the mission and take the back entrance into the headquarters
through the kitchen. Do what needs to be done and then go for nav point FOXTROT, but not directly towards that location.
Head in that direction but instead check out the library adjacent to FOXTROT and enter the tunnel entrance leading
down below that is accessible from the back of the library. Here is where the fun begins. Make your way through these
close quarter rooms and head to nav point JULIET. We are going down even more. As soon as you reach JULIET and descend
those stairs, you will come to a two-way split. To the right lies multiple corridors and to the left is a hallway containing
a box with a tarp on it. Go left in the direction of the tarp but do not go into the open door on your right. Continue
going through the hallway and you will come up to yet another door (this one is closed) on your right. Enter the room
and you will find multiple white cabinets lined up along the wall. Examine the second from the left cabinet and open
it. Inside you will find your last and final sausage, totaling 18! Congratulations!!! You did it!