- Play fair, no glitching or cheating. The game is so much better if you play as
a team to get the job done.
- Try to keep the trash talking in the lobby, prove your self with kills and wins.
- Remember it just a game. When you get frustrated it's only gonna effect your team
and your game play.
- Don't go it alone, find a buddy or wing man and stick together. You have a better chance of surviving
in a pack.
- Most of all have Fun!!!!!!!!!!!
- The Most Important Rule: No Sleeping, Passing Out Drunk, Or Leaving Your Clan Hanging, You Will Get Voted From The

__ The
Knight OWLS Clan General Information ______
Try outs will be held periodically to increase membership.
An invitation from the clan will be sent after the approval of the majority of the clan members who were playing with the
Recruiting is extremely important if you want the
clan to grow. So keep your eyes open for worthwhile candidate. Send all friends and people that you think are ready to knightowlsclan@hotmail.com
We will have training sessions when everything
gets going for the players who want to learn new tactics or improve on already existing tactics. For example, we can
have just a sniping room for the night to share tricks, tips, and the fundamentals of the sniper. We could also do a run and
gun with assault rifles, to teach how to strafe, and shoot effectively. Suggestions are welcome. I want to hear your
thoughts on what we have to do to win or make a better clan.
These are tips I've picked up along the way that may
better someone out there or maybe answer a few questions you might have already had.
- Be aware of your load weight. Having a
little red show on the load bar is fine, but too much red will slow you down greatly. Decide what is most important, the ability
to move smooth and quickly or have to much red and decrease your mobility.
- Certain guns are good for various situations.
If your on a big map with few people, assault rifles are near-ineffective. A sniper rifle is your best choice in this situation.
For close quarters, SMGs, Assault riffles, machine guns and pistols work most of the time.
- Silenced or non-Silenced?? It all depends
on your type of play. If your going running out there to kill, kill, kill there is no sense in a silent approach. If you use
stealth techniques and/or kill people silently, a silencer is good.
- How important is a Gillie suit??
To tell you the truth, it's not very important, unless you are the one who likes to snipe and keep hidden. When you
stay hidden and play with stealth this is the thing for you. Remember that it takes up one equipment slot and adds weight
to your total load.
- With all the close quarters combat, most
are using SMG's or assault riffles. The key to mastering these weapons is to make sure that your character is standing
all the time. Don't go prone, and don't crouch.. Unless of course your trying to hide. Always strafe when you encounter your
opposition, and try and aim at center mass instead of head shots all the time. Don't be sloppy with firing though. Get a good
clear path to the chest, and lite him/her up.
- ALWAYS have a plan before
rushing right out!!!!!!! A rusher without a plan is a DEAD rusher.
- Use all the buttons for game play Example:
Use the quick buttons and stand up at the beginning of the round. The faster your set up the more effective you'll be
during the round.
- Vary up where you rush and
when you rush. You want to keep the opposing team on their toes as much as possible (an uncomfortable team is a dead team)...Don't
give them time to set up shop.
- Remember...... Rushers make people nervous
and catches people off guard!!!! Allot of the times by rushing the opposing team they don't have time to set up like they
would have liked to and those are easy kills that win maps.
- Don't wear ghillie
suits in night maps...they do nothing. They standout very well and look brighter than some of the other outfits.
- If you are debating on choosing a front
grip or a supressor...always go with the supressor. if you are woried about accuracy then just crouch and shoot
- In harvester night. remember that the truck shows up bright with the night vision so hide by that and you will
blend in better, and you can hide behind it. also the roads are bright (Stay low)
Game Types
Suppression - The mission is to eliminate
the other team at all cost. The team with the most people remaining at the end of the round will win or else there will
be a draw.
Demolition - The objective for this
type of game mode is to take the satchel and plant it on at your opposing teams base. To plant the bomb, move to the
'Target' and hold the X button when it says plant bomb. You can also defuse a bomb once the opposing team has planted
it. It takes longer to plant a bomb then to defuse it, but you won't get as many opportunities to defuse the bomb since
the odds will be against you. Again, the rules of suppression will apply except for the if the team outnumbers the other,
that they will win. You must plant the bomb or eliminate the opposing force to win these types of games.
Convoy - Your objective as a terrorist
on these types of maps is to move two convoy trucks through hostile enemy fire to a Loading Zone, load your cargo, and take
it to the Drop Zone. SEALs must try to stop this convoy at any cost. The elimination of the other team can also
result in a win. If the terrorists fail in moving the cargo trucks to the extraction and fail to eliminate the SEALs,
they will lose.
Control Points
- This is a teamwork based game mode in which you must place team markers on the highlighted targets on your compass.
If any one team plants all their markers before the other, this will result in a win. Elimination of the other team,
also results in a win. Game will end in a tie, if both teams are left with at least one player alive and all the Control
Point Markers not deployed.
Escort -
The mission is for the terrorist team to escort their VIP's across the map to an extraction zone without losing two or more
of the VIP's in the process. If all VIP's are eliminated, SEALs win. If either team eliminates each other, that
team surviving will win. If the VIP's are extracted, the Terrorists will win.
Breach -
The objective is for the terrorists to infiltrate the SEAL stronghold and plant a satchel before the time runs out.
If the terrorists do not plant the satchel in time, SEALs win. If either team eliminates eachother the surviving team
wins. If the terrorists plant the satchel and it detonates, then the terrorists win.
Extraction -
Quite possibly one of the hardest game modes to try and explain on Socom 3. To try and explain this, I'll start out
with the basics. At the beginning of the round, it will tell a team to try and extract three hostages and another team
to defend the hostages. These variables differ by map. Here is a flow chart made by 91st-Rezac and his thread that he made that explains these types of games very clearly. Thanks a whole lot
